Wednesday, April 26, 2017

final exam planning

  1. this weekend, April 29 & 30
  2. outside on a table
  3. the making of a clay sculpture
  4. Camera, Tripod, clay, flash drive, and iMovie
  5. the narration will be in the beginning while the start of the time-lapse starts. A few pictures will appear throughout to document process. a video of wedging clay in the beginning. at the end a series of pictures of final product.

Monday, April 24, 2017

opinions writing

     Have you ever gone into your school, and instantly be taken to the office because of your clothes or hair? No matter if it really is appropriate. You're immediately sent home because you have blue hair, or because you wore a dress!  It seems ridiculous to be called a troublemaker due to your shorts. No matter what the dress code is, it always seems easier for males.

     During the duration of my middle school experience, dress codes were always strict, and the main problem. The teachers would make me feel degraded just because my skirt was an inch too short for the dress codes. my advisory teacher in 6th grade told me i was a "provocative adolescent" because i dyed my hair. I went to look at the dress codes to see if there was a rule against dyed hair, when this happened, i found something interesting. 

     The female dress code had a total of thirty-seven rules, while males had a total of eight. The basics of the female codes were to cover up a certain length to keep from distracting fellow classmates (the male student population). The male rules basically told them not to wear gang-related clothing and not to wear basketball shorts. What! 

     I felt complete rage towards the system, since they generally are telling girls to be non-distracting to males and to not wear clothes that might provoke sexual attention. I don't understand how shoulders, knees, and collarbones are going to be sexually attractive! I asked a female and male friend during middle school to wear shorts shorter than their fingertips. The female was given a day of In School Suspension, while the male was gone unnoticed.

     Later, in the school year, they loosened up their codes to attract less negative attention. And when i say loosened, i mean they gave freedom to hair color only. Almost every person in the school dyed their hair a vibrant color. The school seemed like a much more uplifting place! Imagine what would happen if females were stopped being grilled about showing their skin.

     In Kentucky, a female student was called to the office because of her clothes. This included a tank top covered with a cardigan with jeans. She apparently violated the code by showing her collarbones. the mother of the high school student brought a scarf for the duration of the day, but was sent home for still being inappropriate!

     In China, a student committed suicide in order to protest a dress code. The child was told by the faculty to cut her hair to be in code. The student allegedly jumped out the window. Something should change in dress codes if it leads to suicide!

     If such ridiculous events are occurring (and making the news!), obviously the system should change to create a more equal balance. maybe they should bite down on male student! Or maybe STOP biting down on the average developing body of a female teenager!

In the past, schools have slut-shamed female students based on their fashion. Schools have been known to pressure insecurities into young children minds. Its really ridiculous how strict dress codes can be! And the difference between male and female restrictions are extreme.

    Why do schools have to be so cruel to undeserving students, telling them what their wearing is sexual. Ankles are only "sexual" in the systems' eyes! The codes are just a smaller version of the well known (and too frequent) situation:  blaming a victim of sexual assault because of what they were wearing or their body.

Friday, April 21, 2017

personal essays

  1. stuck talking to a bore at a party
  2. avoid abstract expressions
  • a question
  • strong statement
  • good idea why the author feels that way

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

opinions writing preview activity

immigration laws getting out of hand
  1. Editorial
  2. Immigration laws
  3. the ICE is violent and a result of trump pushing to exterminate minorities.
  4. no
  5. no, they didn't go back and explain the other side
  6. no
  7. 1
betsy devas unfit to serve as US secretary of education
  1. Reagan Wallace
  2.  betsy devos qualification
  3.  devos is unqualified 
  4.  no
  5.  no, doesn't list a reason why she is good
  6.  no
  7. 3
our great tree is worth saving
  1. ian miller
  2. dying tree 
  3. "this tree really is worth saving, even if it will cost our school some money."
  4.  no
  5.  yes, explains what would happen if let die
  6. no
  7. 1

going above the norm for college 
  1. jake brien 
  2. getting into colleges
  3. administration should find easier ways to get into colleges
  4.  no
  5.  yes, he explains the different ways to get in the colleges you want and different techniques 
  6. no
  7. 3

importance of physics class
  1. Abby ong
  2.  physics
  3. physics is important
  4. no
  5. no, keeps promoting physics
  6. no
  7. 1

SoM peer review

Erika's Photojournalism Blog
paragraph- (50) 5/8-10 ~30
5 quotes- (25)(5) 3/5~15
inverted pyramid-(25) ~ 15
extra credit- 10 points~10

Monday, April 17, 2017

slo practice

  1. proximity
  2. prominence
  3. paints
  4. lack of subject
  5. the location
  6. background information about the senior games
Malala Yousafzai and Justin Trudeau meet on Sunday, December 31st for a tea party. Yousafzai and Trudeau were also greeted by Ryan Reynolds.

Monday, April 10, 2017

sports portfolio

Alyssa Schukar
Eating disorder, Children
Don’t like,  weak photography

Travis Haughton
Back of head
don’t like, too many kids

Nick Adams
Handicapped kids
Busy backgrounds
Like, interesting techniques with distance

Jordan Murph
Posed (postcard)
Like, dramatic

Josh Birnbaum

Sam Adams
Simple activities
camera man and tripods
Simple shadows
Don’t like, boring

Carlos Delgado
don’t like, blurry and cluttered

Justin Mott
Coastal culture
selective focus
point of view
like, dramatic

Anthony soufflé
Surgery (sounds they made)
After the fact
don’t like, similar

Daryl Peveto
Diving board
don’t like, similar

Melissa Golden
power lines
like, people

focus and balance
tightness, variety, yes, clutter

choosing between techniques and variety

the red car, wasn’t interesting, sky wasn’t interesting.  Gopro is lame, lighting sucks

tennis celebration. Poor compositition


inverted pyramid

Friday, March 31, 2017

my first interview

  1. what is your name?
  2. how do you spell your name?
  3. how do feel about being student of the month?
  4. how does this effect your teachers?
  5. how does this effect your friends?
  6. how does this effect your guardians?
  7. how does this effect your peers?
  8. how does this effect you personally?
  9. why do you think you are the student of the month?
  10. what is your daily routine?
  11. are you proud of yourself? why?
  12. regarding schoolwork, are you a straight a student? 
  13. how can others become student of the month?
  14. other than yourself, who would you have picked for student of the month?
  15. why did you pick that person?
  16. why do believe student of the month is important?
  17. how does being student of the month impact your mood?
  18. what extracurricular activities do you participate in?
  19. are you involved in sports? ~which ones?
  20. what is your next step in school?
1. Madison
2. Madison Eppard
3. happy
4.proud of me
5.proud of me
7.they congratulate me
8.i feel accomplished
9.hard worker and good grades and sports.
11.yes, hard work pays off
13.working hard and school work
14.other friends with good grades
15.they work hard and deserve it
16.shows dedication
17.makes me feel good about myself
20.get straight a's

school uniforms

1. head of district corporation
2. principal
3. teacher

1. how do you think this decision will impact students?
2. how will students be able to express themselves?
3. in what way will this be positive?
4. do you believe this will stop provocative teenagers? how?
5. why did you decide to enforce uniforms?
6. what will the requirements be for the uniforms?
7. how do you think this will effect students?
8. will this become a permanent decision?
9. do yo think this will effect social life? why?
10. how would this effect teachers?
11. would teachers have a stricter code? how?
12. when will this policy be enforced?
13. what brought you to make this policy?
14. what stores can students shop from?
15. how strict is this policy?
16. how much leniency will the district have?
17. do you think poorer households will be able to keep up?
18. will this policy be modest? how?
19. how do you feel about this policy?
20. how does this policy effect you personally?

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

architechure preview assignment

1. Piet Blom2. 19823. Netherlands4. Private residential buildings5. N/A6. Optimize space inside.7.  The architechure is interesting, the cubic houses seem to be falling. I have an urge to just straighten it. The insides of the houses are very abstract looking. The entire building is funky looking and original.1. Moshe Safdie2. 19673. Canada4. Private residential buildings5.  22,195,920-140,000 per unit6. solution for high quality living7. the building is very busy and odd looking. it seems unstable to me.

1. unknown
2. 1972
3. Portugal
4. private residential building
5. N/A
6. unknown
7. the house is made of rock. its interesting how an architect could carve inside without cracking the whole thing.


1. Friedensreich Hundertwasser2. 1990's
3. germany
4. private residential buildings with area for public use
5. N/A
6. challenged the architect
7. the houses are colorful and curvy. the fact that it has so many types of windows (shape) is amazing!

1. Javier Senosiain
2. 2006
3. Mexico
4. private residential buildings
5. N/A
6. expression of space
7. the house is shaped like a shell. It looks very whimsical. It has mosaics everywhere. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

photo shoot 5

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4


1  its accurate because people define and express themselves with clothes and decorations. it seems boring because of the lack of composition.
2 no, but if i did, i would change the composition: consistency of lighting and distance
3 stressful, hence the "sensory overload"
4 the fake flowers surrounding the seller

Friday, February 24, 2017

lone star dispatch

1:Science fair rules on campus

  1.  Students
  2. Science Fair
  3. Science Classrooms
  4. January 12th, After school
  5.  Creating a project and presenting it
  6. Trace Hurd, Alex Paulson, Emily Morales, Matthew Musat
  7. "i actually had a lot of fun with my project because i learned from it," Morales said.
  8. No.

2:Inherit fortunes with Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

The show features the Baudelaire children, where an actor tries to steal the fortune from the children, since their parents just "died". The Actor goes through a pattern where he tries to gain the fortune, acting as different people. The reviewer gives a positive run-through that explains how she feels.

  1. Lemony Snicket
  2. The Series of Unfortunate Events
  3. Netflix
  4. January, Friday 13th
  5. Airing on Netflix
  6. N/A
  7. -
  8. yes

3:Yo-yo'ing swings to new heights

Matthew Lane practices yo-yo'ing on a daily basis. With a few quotes from his Mother and friends, we learn his skills. And to top it off, we learn he has gone to a yo-yo competition
  1. Matthew Lane
  2. Yo-yo
  3. Everywhere
  4. Since 7th grade
  5. By picking up the skill
  6. Delta Lane, Matthew Lane, Carter Drost, Jesse Fowler
  7. "Yo-yo'ing isn't the only skill acquired from the hobby; other important skills have developed through it. Yo-yo'ing might sound silly or simple to some, however, once you understand and appreciate the skills involved, you cans everything it has taught him," Delta said. "He's learned hand eye coordination, balance, physics, geometry, focus tenacity, and, most important, a confidence that he carries with him everywhere he goes." mid section.
  8. No, the pictures captured my eye
1. Critique

a. Since both pictures are extremely similar, i would have liked to see a different pov. I would have also liked to see a different setting or scheme of colors 
b. shows the student being critiqued on their project
c. balance
d. student and judge
e. yes
f. no to be the best

a.  i would keep the black and white, good angle. i would only change the cropping.
b. student lifting weights
c.rule of thirds
d. Dawson Warnken
e. yes
f. yes

3. Focusing on the Yo-yo

a. I would have liked color for one of the photos. if they had a different pov, like birds eye.
b. Student Yo-yo'ing
c.simplicity, cropping
d.Matthew lane
4. Across the floor

a. i would have liked if the picture was cropped to fit her body and cut out observers. if the angle was slightly higher.
b. Stubbs jumping
c. simplicity
d. Kate Stubbs

5. girls just want to have fun(damental human rights)

a. the picture was pleasant, strong and was cropped well. i would only change some levels.
b.women holding sign
c. cropping

Close Connection
cropping is good and the caption speaks truthfully

On the Beam
foot is blurry and is similar to all photos on page

3 out of 5 rotten tomatoes

Inherit fortunes with Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events"
i feel like since I've seen the show i would be able to expand on what was written. I believe i would be good at the explaining my opinion but not keeping the ending to myself.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

front pages

New York Post, very large picture
Selfie Captures Instant Before Teens Fell Through Ice, the biggest headline
title, headlines, major picture
some start their articles


~i believe in makeup~

