Monday, September 26, 2016

aperture, iso, and shutter speed


F 2.8

F 16

1. eye
2. the smaller the aperture the larger the amount of light ,the larger the aperture the smaller the amount of light
3. aperture affects the perspective and focusing on an object affects the details as well as the composition.

shutter speed

fast shutter speed

slow shutter speed

a.   L
b.   L
c.   F
d.   F
e.   L
f.   F

a.  F
b.  L
c.  F
d.  F
e.  F
f.  F

1. auto
-shutter speed and aperture are automatically chosen and used
2. shutter priority
-you can chose the shutter speed but the aperture is automatically chosen
3. manual
-you get to chose whether or not you use shutter speed or aperture and at what level


ISO 200

ISO 3200

1. you gain a picture with blurry visible motion
2. motion, ghosts
3. dark areas, sharp images

aperture: 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22
shutter speed:  1sec  1/60sec 1/4000sec
ISO: 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 25600

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